Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Having a large vocabulary

Some people stare at me in bewilderment when I ask them something or relate something to them. I am usually at a loss for their lack of response for twelve nano-seconds until I realize I might have used a word or three that they did not know and were too embarrassed to ask.
If I do not know a word that is being used I do one of two things. I try to ascertain its meaning by the context of the sentence and if that fails, I ask. Someone once told me that big words are for small minds. While I do not necessarily believe that opinion, it does make me think.
Recently I was asked to write an important letter to an agency and I complied. Details are unimportant. What was interesting was the feedback. "Why did you use this word? What does this sentence mean?"
I know when writing or talking, you should try to cater to all of the segments of the populace but when I write or speak, I don't use words premeditated, they just flow on the paper or egress through my mouth.
Perhaps if people read more, did more crossword puzzles or if they came across a word they did not know, they would utilize the human language.
Maybe I am using my copious vocabulary now?


  1. Hey there George.

    The words just egress through your mouth huh? I'd say you were using that big vocabulary for this

    I understood the whole thing, but I don't use the words myself. One reason is that, even though I know the meanings of lots of words, I don't pronounce them correctly. I do look them up, but my memory is awful and I just can't remember some. My husband often has to help me with a word.

    Now, if you just said something without a sentence to back it up, I might not understand, but with the sentence most words are easy to figure out.

    Cool post here!

  2. Ascertain? Did you just call me a certain ass? huh? Huh?


    Love and stuff,
